Before I had my own children, I could not wait to get back to school in September. I was so excited to meet my new students, create my new lessons and smell those freshly sharpened pencils. I still look forward to those things, but feel a resentment to the end of summer as well. The end of summer, after all, means having someone else spend that valuable time with my own children.
This September has been a whole new experience. The Princess will be starting preschool tomorrow. She is over-the-moon excited. I am broken-hearted. Don't get me wrong- I am so glad that she is excited. I can't wait to come home tomorrow and hear all about her day- the new experiences she'll have, new friends she'll make. I am broken-hearted, however, because I won't be there for any of it. I won't get to see her reaction when she walks into her classroom. I won't get to watch her as she puts on her brave face and talks to new people. I won't get to see if she remembers her manners or says her blessing before her snack. I will be at work before she even leaves the house. I won't be able to be a "room-mother"or attend field trips- but you better believe I'll be taking off work the day of the Mother's Day Tea! (I am lucky that a friend will be going to drop off tomorrow to take pictures the first few minutes!)